
Got Samples? Here’s How To Use ‘Em


You’ve arrived here because I am putting together a little doTERRA package for you to experience.

You filled in the Sample Request Form and let me know what your top health priority is right now and I’ve selected 2 essential oils to give you a 10 day experience with, that will support you beautifully in this area.

I believe you will find that these pure essential oils will come to be a great tool for restoring harmony in your body. And beginning in one area, as you’ve selected, will create a powerful ripple effect in your health.

It’s helpful to understand that your body is designed to heal itself when it receives what it needs. Think about it what happens when you have a cut… your body goes right to work to heal it, a scab might form and then fall off and you have new healed skin. Every organ in your body becomes new within months, and the only time we run into trouble is when we aren’t giving the body the proper support to heal.

Nature has an unmatched wisdom and essential oils offer our body the same harmony that exists in nature.

I’m so excited for you to open up the package I’ve sent you!


Once you receive your package from me, click the health goal below that you requested support for and follow the specific instructions for 10 days:


Ready to purchase doTERRA?

 I would love to help you get started with doTERRA!

Once you've purchased your starter kit, you'll receive a welcome email from me connecting you to all our team resources + programs.

We have a lot of goodness waiting for you.


