7 Ways to Get Back Into Your Routine Post-Vacation

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It’s no secret that I absolutely love travellingbut it can throw me off my game a little bit. Don’t get be wrong, I think that we all need a little shake-up in our day-to-day life now and then. Throw in a little spontaneity to your schedule, indulge in some amazing new cuisine, and embrace freedom to a whole new level.

Then it’s “back-to-reality” and the absolute worst thing you can do is drag your feet when your vacation is over. All of a sudden it turns into a snowball effect and you’re feeling scattered, bloated, and not quite like yourself. Which is why the absolute best system I’ve created for myself is not wasting any time getting back into my usual routines post-vacation.

I’m not saying this to be rigid. This is about living to your full potential and feeling the absolute best that you possibly can and if you want to live a life that most people dream of, you need to do the things that most people aren’t willing to do. That’s why these routines are so important to me – it’s a commitment to myself and what I know I’m capable of.

(And did you know you’re capable of so much more than you realize? We all have unlimited potential inside of us.)

Here are the 7 things that I do to get back into routine post-vacation:


Moving your body is incredibly good for your health. Physical activity  improves your health and reduces the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. It boosts your energy, promotes more restful sleep, increases confidence, and can even improve your sex life.

People who exercise regularly have better mental health and emotional wellbeing and lower rates of mental illness. It releases all those feel-good chemicals, like endorphins and serotonin, that everyone can benefit from.

Over 9 years ago, I started competing in fitness competitions and since then I’ve been featured in numerous magazines, ads, and on covers all over the world. Needless to say, this is a massive part of the foundation of my health. It gets me right back into my groove, keeps my motivation high, and any sluggish feelings far, far away.


As soon as I stop being consistent with my supplements, I feel it. (Which is why it doesn’t happen very often;) It’s taken years of trial and error to understand my body and how it thrives optimally and the magic you’ll find in doTERRA’s LifeLong Vitality supplements plays a crucial role.

The three core products of the doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Program—Alpha CRS+, xEO Mega, and Microplex VMz which have been formulated to reach 100% of daily nutritional needs based on an average diet. They contain the equivalent of over 12 servings of fruits and vegetables and provide necessary vitamins and minerals to support a healthy body, enhance metabolic function, and provide powerful antioxidants designed to promote energy and health.


When you’re away on vacation, it’s essentially to be expected that you should indulge in some extra treats! And for good reason! Life is worth living! After vacation, it’s easy to crave all those salty or sweet snacks, so I prioritize nutrition by starting day one post-vacation with a big smoothie!

Here’s one I’m loving at the moment:


  • 1 cup almond milk

  • 1 cup blueberries

  • 1/2 avocado

  • 1/2 banana

  • 2 teaspoons Greek yogurt

  • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder


When you diffuse doTERRA essential oils in your home, you’ll notice several things, including: cleaner air, more restful sleep, deeper connection, clearer breathing, uplifted moods, and more… why is this? Our sense of smell is one of our most powerful senses, and you have probably noticed in your own experience that some scents are more positively associated in our minds than others.

If you know me, you know I’m always diffusing at home, so after a vacation, it’s a no-brainer! To get me back into my groove, I love reaching for a mix of Peppermint and Wild Orange essential oils. It’s the perfect pick-me-up and energizer to get back into my everyday routine.


I love adding citrus essential oils to my water! Think Lemon, Tangerine, Grapefruit, Wild Orange, the Smart & Sassy blend… these oils, while very uplifting for the moods, are also key players in detoxification and boosting the metabolism! (Have you ever researched the information on limonene? I encourage you to do so and these littles bottles have tons of it!)

Citrus oils are great to add to you water throughout the day, just a drop or two in your water and you’re set!


While travelling, your body can become overloaded with toxins from radiation and all sorts of germs, which is why it’s common that people often get sick afterwards. That’s why a detox bath is such an important routine to get into the habit of doing!

Every day we are exposed to toxins, many of which are beyond our control, creating a burden on the body, and even more so when we travel. Detoxing is a great way to support the body’s design for purification, digestion, and elimination.

One of my favourite detox baths after travelling is:

  • 1 cup Epsom salts

  • 1/2 cup baking soda

  • 7 drops Aromatouch essential oil blend in a big tub.


There’s nothing like a sweat session in my infrared sauna! The best part is that it comes with a whole host of benefits:

  • better sleep

  • relaxation

  • detoxification

  • weight loss

  • relief from sore muscles

  • clear and tighter skin

  • improved circulation


Infrared saunas help your body release a number of toxins, including heavy metals like mercury and lead, and environmental chemicals and it’s an excellent way to support your body to cleanse itself naturally.

Do you have any tried and true tips to getting back into routine? I’d love to hear what works for you in the comments!

Meaghan Terzis