Essential Oil Infused, Gut Loving Gummies


With the season change, our immune systems can feel a little wobbly while it adjusts, and sugar can feed right into that. That’s why I LOVE making these. They’re easy, healthy, and taste amazing.

Did you know that grass-fed gelatin has numerous benefits? It’s anti-aging, promotes skin and cell health, strengthens teeth, hair, and nails, great for cellulite, digestion, leaky gut, metabolism, hormone balance, inflammation and… too many to name!

Plus, add in a few drops off essential oil for added health benefits and this is a treat you’ll never feel guilty for eating – or packing in your kid’s lunchbox 



  • 1 cup of organic Pomegranate juice

  • 3 drops doTERRA Lime essential oil

  • 1 tbsp xylitol (or swap out for honey)

  • 5 tbsp grass fed gelatin



On stovetop, add juice into a saucepan over medium heat, but don’t boil. Then add xylitol or honey until dissolved, and slowly whisk the gelatin until it liquifies. Once all the gelatin has dissolved, stir in essential oil. Remove from heat and transfer mixture into silicone molds. (I use these ones.) Then pop into the fridge until firm (about 1-2 hours) – and enjoy!

Do you have any favourite healthy recipes? It feels like Fall today, which always makes me want to cozy up and do all the domesticated things around the house!

Meaghan Terzis