Top Immune Boosting Essential Oils


When we think of Essential Oils, it’s some ways to think that are just pretty smelling things that make our house smell nice, right?

Today I want to share a little bit about immunity. It’s that ever elusive protection that every mother of a child attending child care is searching for, and so too are the rest of the population it would seem.

So how can we use Essential Oils to build Immunity, and in particular WHAT oils are going to help you to best build it?

According to Modern Essentials the top 6 oils for Immunity are:
On Guard (Protective Blend)
Melaleuca (or Tea Tree if you are in Canada)
And my all time favourite oil – Frankincense

My personal 3 favourites for building Immunity are On Guard, Oregano, and Frankincense.

This is how I use them with my family:

On Guard on the soles of our feet or we also use the On Guard Beadlets (which are nice and small so they are easy to swallow)

Frankincense – I put 2 drops into a Veggie cap with a some Extra Virgin coconut oil each morning and take it as a supplement as well as 1-2 drops of Frankincense rubbed into the lymph nodes on the sides of neck / under chin

Oregano 1-2 drops of Oregano, diluted with Fractionated Coconut Oil (DoTERRA’s pre-diluted Touch rollers are great for this) and applied to the soles of my feet. If my immune system was particularly compromised, I would add it into a veggie capsule, but make sure not to use for more than 10 days at a time.

When I’m starting to feel under the weather I’ll apply these 5x per day, as it’s best to keep small amounts of essential oils in your system consistently throughout the day instead of a large amount all at once.

WHY I chose these oils:

OnGuard ::  Supports healthy immune function, protects against environmental threats, boosts mood and energy, promotes healthy circulation and respiratory function, incredibly high in antioxidants

Frankincense :: Supports healthy cellular function, extremely anti-inflammatory, soothing to the nervous system, promotes feelings of peace and well-being, supports healthy respiratory and digestive function, soothes pain

Oregano :: Supports healthy immune function, powerful cleansing and purifying agent, high in antioxidants, supports healthy respiratory function and digestion

So… why essential oils?

Essential oils are a direct connection to nature.

And you know what I love about that? By using essential oils to support your natural state of health, you’re actually using the plants immune system to increase your own. There’s no argument that nature has a depth of wisdom that we still to this day don’t fully understand – otherwise there would be no LIFE after all.

I know that nature knows – and I think something really beautiful happens when we open ourselves up to that wisdom.

There are SO many ways to bring Essential Oils into your life and routine – if you prefer diffusing or topical use, by all means, use them in that way instead.  Each of these oils on the soles of your feet would be amazing also!

Happy immune-boosting!

Before I go! If you’d like to connect 1:1 to chat through any oil-related questions, reach out at

Meaghan Terzis