4 Reasons Why You Should Clean With Essential Oils


Did you know the indoor air quality of the average home today is at least 2-5x more polluted than the air outside? When I first read that fact, I couldn’t believe it – but it’s true. Canadians spend more than $641 million on cleaning products and we’re filling our homes with harmful chemicals that drag us down.

How exactly do they drag us down? These synthetic chemicals are brewed up in a laboratory and most can be classified as potentially harmful if not proven-to-be-harmful chemicals that we’re willingly exposing ourselves to on a daily basis. They add fuel to the fire of chronic issues that are becoming more and more common, such as: hormone disruption, adrenal fatigue, low energy, weight loss resistance, autoimmune conditions, inability to focus, low productivity and performance – even cancer! If you’re unsure of your current products, I invite you to check out the EWG database, you’ll be shocked to discover the carcinogens that are hiding in the products under your sink.

As a mother of two, once I learnt this information, I couldn’t unlearn it. I knew I needed to do better.

Little by little, I replaced our products with my own creations that are infused with essential oils. Finally I had natural cleaners that gave my own a fresh, invigorating smell without the hormone disruption that comes from synthetic fragrances and chemicals!


1) Cleaning with Essential Oils is better for your health

Many seemingly ‘natural’ household cleaners such as sprays and powders leave nasty chemicals in the air or on surfaces that our children or we touch, whereas essential oils are 100% natural. They are obtained from different parts of plants including leaves, flowers, petals, roots, woods, barks, seeds and also the peels of different fruits. (All of these plant essences are well recognized for their antimicrobial qualities!)

Essential oils also have versatile health benefits! As you’re cleaning your home, you’ll be inhaling the aroma of these powerful drops. You can increase your energy, improve circulation, support respiratory health, bust bacteria, boost your immune system, improve your mood, support your hormones and the list goes on! All by cleaning with essential oils.

2) Cleaning with Essential Oils is better for your wallet

I don’t know about you but have you looked at the prices of cleaning products lately? They can get pricey!

Since doTERRA essential oils have been thoroughly tested for quality, purity, and potency, a little bit of oil goes a long way. For example, in a 24oz All Purpose Cleaner, you’re adding 10 drops of essential oil! That means from ONE bottle of essential oil, you can make 25 cleaners for your home, making it less than $2 a bottle.

The versatility of essential oils means you can get a lot of mileage from just a few bottles of pure essential oils and inexpensive supplies like a glass spray bottle, water and vinegar.

Not only can you make household cleaners, but you can also have those bottles of essential oil for other uses! The same Lemon essential oil that can be used to scrub out the sink is also perfect to add to your water bottle throughout the day to increase hydration and gently stimulate the lymphatic system to flush toxins.

How cool is that?! Gone are the days of buying a multitude of products that clutter up your home. This is all about simplifying your life!

3) Cleaning with Essential Oils is EFFECTIVE

I’ve used doTERRA essential oils for years now, and I’ll never go anywhere else. The oils are third-party tested for purity, ethically sourced around the globe, and I’m proud to align myself with a company who is doing incredible humanitarian work around the world.

But let’s take a look at the science behind the oils. While essential oils are found in nature, they still contain potent and powerful cleansing properties that make them useful for household cleaning. Essential oils are extracts taken from plant parts, which means they are highly concentrated and extremely potent. Not only do they provide a potent aroma, but the chemical components in each oil provide powerful benefits.

With natural cleansing and purifying properties, certain essential oils can be a helpful part of your regular cleaning routine. Not only can essential oils be used to cleanse surfaces and purify the air, but some have natural anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-infectious and anti-septic properties too! Oils can be used to protect against environmental threats, stimulates healthy immune response, and can be a powerful disinfectant.

It only makes sense to use a product that promotes health, not products that can be harmful for your health!

4) Cleaning with Essential Oils smells amazing.

One of the greatest appeals of cleaning with essential oils is that you’ll have the added benefit of enjoying the aroma of essential oils while you clean! Many cleaning products have a strong or unpleasant smell because they are full of synthetic chemicals and other unnatural ingredients. As you use essential oils for cleaning, you’ll be able to smell the lovely aroma they emit—an aroma that can last up to a few hours.

Using essential oils with uplifting, refreshing, and invigorating scents will make your home feel extra clean.

Use pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils for the best results!

It is important to remember that not all essential oils are equal when it comes to quality and efficacy. Using pure, high quality essential oils that have been taken from natural sources will yield the best results when using oils for cleaning. Low quality oils or oils that contain synthetic fillers will not be as effective for cleansing purposes, and because they are less pure, more oil will be required to accomplish certain cleaning tasks. When using pure, potent essential oils, very little oil will be required to provide powerful cleansing benefits.

In addition to providing the most benefits, high quality essential oils will also be safer to use around the family. High quality essential oils typically go through rigorous testing to ensure that they are safe for consumer use. Essential oils that go through this process are safe to use in the home, and you will have peace of mind knowing that the oils you are using hold true cleansing benefits.

DIYMeaghan Terzis