8 Must Have Essential Oils for Travelling

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There’s nothing that compares to the feeling that you get while travelling to different places in the world. The burst of inspiration to feel while exploring a new city, the sense of adventure, the switch from the usual daily routine.

What I don’t love though, is boarding an airplane packed full of people and hearing that dreaded sneeze or cough and knowing that all of those germs are floating around me. Or arriving to your destination, checking into your hotel room, and then silently wondering how many other people stayed in that same room before you.

Without a doubt, travelling fuels our souls but it can take a toll on our bodies, which is exactly why I love carrying a toolkit of health with me wherever I go.

Here’s a look at 8 must-have oils for travelling so you can boost your immune system, calm your nervous system, and feel your best.

1) OnGuard

In the past, I’d hop on a plane and cross my fingers that I wouldn’t catch anything. Now? I use my OnGuard consistently because I know it’s looking out for my immune system. (And it’s packed with antioxidants!)

I make sure to use my OnGuard Touch on the soles of my feet, the OnGuard beadlets and lozenges while I’m on the plane, my OnGuard Sanitizer never leaves my side, and I adore my capsules for ease of use while travelling.

2) Lavender

Throwing your whole routine upside down, operating on a different schedule, flying… it can all be a lot for your nervous system to take on, making it that much harder to wind down! We often hear about lavender amazing effects for promoting restful sleep, and that’s because it’s incredibly soothing for our nervous system!

A simple inhale to calm any anxiety and putting a couple drops in the diffuser at night and you’ll be as good as new.

(Bonus points: this is incredibly soothing for any sunburns!)

3) Peppermint

This is one of my favourite oils to have on hand, period! I never leave the house without it.

Need a little pick-me-up? Peppermint. Some motivation? Peppermint. Experiencing head tension? You guessed it! Peppermint!

This is incredibly energizing and is perfect for those long-haul travel days too.

4) Citrus Oils

Do you know how much radiation you’re exposed to while on a plane? How many toxins you come into contact with while travelling in general? This is exactly why I love to have my citrus oils on hand! Think Tangerine, Grapefruit, Wild Orange, the Smart & Sassy blend… this oils, while very uplifting for the moods, are also key players in detoxification! (Have you ever researched the information on limonene? I encourage you to do so and these littles bottles have tons of it!)

Just a drop or two in your water and you’re set!

5) ZenGest

When you’re exploring new places, of course you’re going want to explore new foods and indulge every now and then, and the last thing you want to worry about is stomach upset. This blend of ginger, peppermint, coriander, caraway, anise, and fennel is a powerhouse for your digestive system! I always make sure to bring it with me on the plane, and use it before any meals that I know might cause some food sensitivity.

6) Easy Air

This is a remarkable blend of essential oils including Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Lemon, Cardamom, Ravintsara, and Ravensara. The reason why I keep this in my travel tool kit? It maintains feelings of clear airways and easy breathing while minimizing the effects of seasonal threats. I like to add a drop to my finger and trace the outside of my nostrils, add it to my diffuser at night, or even a quick inhale straight from the bottle and I can breathe a little deeper.

7) Frankincense

Sunburns, age spots, minor cuts and scrapes, skin health… Frankincense helps me take care of my skin while on the road (and let’s be honest, at home too!) It doesn’t end there though – there’s a reason why we call Frankincense the King of Oils! The benefits are vast: emotional support, cellular regeneration, brain health, immune health, digestive health, hormone balance, pain & inflammation, and sleep… and that’s not the full exhaustive list! It’s easy to see why Frankincense is a must-have not just while travelling, but for every day.

8) Correct-X

Frankincense, Helichrysum, Tea Tree, Cedarwood, and Lavender—all CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils known to help assist in soothing skin irritations—are used in dōTERRA Correct-X. I find myself constantly reaching for my Correct-X while travelling. Everything from burns, bites, stings to scrapes, bruises, and blisters, it’s the perfectly multi-purpose, natural ointment to use to protect and support your skin.

And there you have it! What are some of your favourite oils to travel with?