How To Thrive in Uncertain Times


From what I’ve noticed, there’s two different ways people are showing up right now:

1. You’re using this time to really focus on your routines and habits: trying new recipes, getting your workouts in, and taking your wellness to the next level.

2. Adjusting hasn’t felt easy and you’re not paying attention to healthy habits. Maybe “all this extra time” doesn’t feel like extra time because your kids are home full-time with you now. Maybe the juggle just means you’re just getting through the day. You’re not sure how to feel supported right now.

There’s no “right” way to show up - but over the past two months, I’ve learned what works for me and I want to share it with you.



Wake up & decide that today you’re a woman of action. Open up your closet and dress like the leader that you are, even if you have nowhere to go. Wear the brightest colours on the gloomy days, style your hair, choose the jeans. Make it fun, make it playful, make it feel really, really good.


When you think about “Healthy Habits”, what comes to mind? There’s the ones the we all know: nutrition, exercise, sleep. Then the one we tend to ignore: managing our stress. Then comes in managing our toxic load - because you’d have to be living under a rock if you don’t know about how many environmental toxins we’re exposed to!

The #1 reason we let our Healthy Habits fall to the side before anything else when life throws us curveballs is because we don’t prioritize the habit of PROACTIVE (and informed) self-care.

The reason why I teach people how to use essential oils is because they can support ALL of these areas - but they don’t do it ALL.

That’s why my program, the Healthy Habits 21-day Reset, was created. It goes into a deep dive so you can implement habits into your life easily, and in less than a month, transform your well-being.

From meal plans, strength training routines, Yoga and Pilates classes to specific self-care routines that will support sleep, emotions, and so much more.


The resources are all there for you, taking out ALL the guesswork: recipes, videos, a workout library, schedules. The reality is, if you want something in your life to change, it all comes down to those small daily habits you create every single day.

Wellness is the result of our

lifestyle + daily routine …

and our optimal health is naturally achieved through incremental daily habits.

Whether you join us for the:

➕ glowing skin
➕ deeper sleep
➕ consistent energy
➕ improved digestion
➕ stronger immunity
➕ less anxious feelings
Or perhaps an overall feeling of ‘I’ve got this?’
This is your time and we're gonna do this together!

Interested in the program?


We can all feel stuck now and then.

And just a year ago, I was feeling the same way in my business, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on why...

Then I started teaching people about how to integrate healthy habits and use essential oils in their daily life, again. I’ve spent the past few years growing my essential oil business and felt great in my role as a mentor, helping other incredible leaders build their own businesses, that I didn’t have as much time to teach my own classes. Now, during this pandemic, I haven’t slowed down, I’m busier than ever. My business fuels me. I knew that one quick way to shift how I would feel during these uncertain times was to anchor into the WHY behind what I do.

I talk to people who are curious about what these little bottles can do.
Why natural health and reducing our toxic load is so important.
I teach HOW to do it, how to make it easy.

And it lights me up! Because this is what this business is about. This is why I started in the first place - I get to share what I love, what’s made the most incredible impact in my life, and help people along the way.

I’m grateful that I’m able to work from home and I’m proud to say I’m a wellness advocate with DoTERRA.

My business grew 24% over the last month alone. DōTERRA became a staple and a trusted brand in my home 6 years ago... and when I started this business 5 years ago I knew this was something everyone could benefit from.

I will never stop showing up as the leader that I am, because nothing brings me more joy than helping people get started with the tools and products that I know can create such an impact in their lives.

Are you wanting to create another stream of income?

Then maybe this business is for you.

More than ever before, people are seeking a higher level of health, more time freedom and the opportunity to impact our world positively.

Learn about Essential Oils

Meet My Team

And slide into my DMs on Instagram, where I’m happy to chat more.