How to Establish Healthy Routines

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Now that we’ve covered the products, let’s start bringing it all together by establishing a healthy routine.

The first key to establishing healthy routines is to make a plan! Remember, consistency is key. Take the guesswork by building your “ideal” day and keep coming back to it over and over again, gradually building up that “muscle memory” until it becomes something you don’t even have to think about anymore!

Know that there are hundreds of benefits to using the oils – these are just some suggestions for using them daily.


Apply 1-2 drops of BALANCE essential oil blend on soles of feet
• Creates a sense of calm and well-being
• Promotes whole-body relaxation
• Brings harmony to the mind and body
• Evokes feelings of tranquility and balance
• Supports cellular health and overall well-being
• Lessens stress and helps with anxious feelings and nerves

Apply 2-3 drops of ON GUARD essential oil blend on soles of feet or along spine
• Supports stable immune system
• Diffuse to eliminate germs

Apply 1-2 drops FRANKINCENSE under tongue or back of neck
• Helps build and maintain a healthy immune system
• Promotes cellular health
• Reduces the appearance of blemishes
• Supports healthy immune system function
• Promotes feelings of overall wellness


LLV {2 pills from each bottle}

• Supplies body with antioxidants to combat daily free-radical exposure
• Stimulates proper metabolic function
• Everyday vitamins and minerals
• Heart health
• Digestive aid

TerraZyme digestive enzymes

• Supports healthy digestion/metabolism of enzyme-deficient, processed foods
• Speeds conversion of food nutrients to cellular energy
• Promotes gastrointestinal comfort and food tolerance
• Supports healthy production of metabolic enzymes


TerraZyme digestive enzymes

If you find your hitting a wall, reach for a Citrus oil to add into your diffuser, apply as “pure-fume”, and add into your water to curb any sugar cravings that might come later in the afternoon. I also love applying Peppermint to my temples for an awesome pick-me-up!


LLV {2 pills from each bottle}

(see benefits above!)

PB Assist+ probiotic.

For daily use as well as after a cleanse. With daily use – one a day is
• Supports healthy digestive and immune system function


Use Calming Oils
1-2 drops nightly on wrist, back of neck, and bottom of feet. Also, add to your diffuser!
Some examples: Lavender, Serenity, Balance, Cedarwood, Vetiver etc.
• Aids in more restful sleep
• Relieve daily stress
• Calms the nervous system


2 drops of a Citrus oil, like Lemon, Grapefruit, Smart & Sassy, or Tangerine in 8oz of water, refilled multiple times throughout the day.


Important tips on establishing and creating healthy routines!

1. Consume a diet based on consumption of whole foods. The foundation of almost any healthy goal begins
with proper nutrition. The more a food is externally processed, the less it needs to be internally processed to be utilized by the body. Whole foods are more nutrient dense, less energy dense, contain higher amounts of fiber, and take longer to be processed. Skip the bag and box aisles and stick to the perimeter of the grocery store.

2. Drink more water. Your gastric mechanoreceptors can’t differentiate between food and water, they only
respond to the volume of the substance passing through. Water quickly passes through without need of processing, but still can temporarily trick your body into thinking it is full. If you have hunger pangs but have already met your energy needs for the day, try a glass of water first.

3. Reduce stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety are common experiences for most people. In fact, 70% of adults in the US say they feel stress or anxiety on a daily basis. Some simple ways to do this are focusing on your self-care routine, start a gratitude practice, and laugh! Did you know laughter can also help improve your immune system and mood? Try watching a funny TV show or hanging out with friends who make you laugh.

4. Move your body daily! There isn’t anything exercising isn’t good for in your life. It supports your physical and mental health in massive, massive ways. Make sure to get your blood pumping for a clearer mind, a rock-solid immune system, and see those results in your every day life.

5. Reduce caffeine intake. Caffeine is a stimulant found in coffee, tea, chocolate and energy drinks. High doses
can increase anxiety. People have different thresholds for how much caffeine they can tolerate. If you notice
that caffeine makes you jittery or anxious, consider cutting back. Need an all natural energy boost? Try inhaling peppermint or diffusing citrus oils.

6.  Practice Mindfulness. Mindfulness describes practices that anchor you to the present moment.
it can help combat the anxiety-inducing effects of negative thinking. A recent study in college students suggested that mindfulness may help increase self-esteem, which in turn lessens symptoms of anxiety and depression.

7. Get enough quality sleep! The amount of sleep you get is just as important as your diet and exercise. Poor sleep can decrease your self-control and decision-making abilities and can even increase the brain’s reaction to food. If you want to set yourself up for success, definitely put this on the top of your priority list.

8. Diffuse! Essential oils can help with mood management, from easing anxious feelings, promoting feelings of motivation, to uplifting your mood when you start the day or need that mid-day pick-me-up! I love diffusing Peppermint and Wild Orange to start the day, and Balance and Lavender together at night is incredibly calming.

There you have it!

I hope this post served as a great foundation to help you establish your own healthy routine that nourishes your body and mind from the inside out.

Did you know?

All of these products can be found in the Healthy Habits kit! If ever there were an investment that I felt 1000% confident in recommending to create a massive shift in your overall energy, vibrancy, and feeling empowered about your emotions, is it this – RIGHT HERE!

If you’re TRULY looking to uplevel your energy, mood, quality of sleep, and have better hair, skin, nails, and less seasonal colds and flu, I would say you need to start with the foundation of an incredible supplement system.

To order this kit, start here!

Or email me for more information.