Creating Healthy Habits with the Right Products


When it comes to feeling your best and experiencing a high level of vitality, there are so many factors that come into play. Some of these key components we all know: eating nourishing foods, moving your body, and getting plenty of sleep. Then there are the other components that we tend to give less attention to: stress management and exposure to toxins. It’s important to note that, yes, there are inherited genetic predispositions for disease or wellness, and while this may be out of our control, scientific research is revealing many ways that we can influence – and even control – significant factors of aging and wellness.

How can you do this? Fuelling your cells with essential nutrients and metabolic factors so it can thrive. This is where doTERRA can come into play – because they’re not an essential oil company, they’re a wellness company – and when you adopt a lifestyle that supports wellness and integrate high quality products that work on a cellular level, you’re creating an environment in your body geared towards optimal health.

Optimal health? Sounds great, right? But how do you pull it all together and really integrate it into your every day?

I’m going to break it all down for you in this 3-post series:

PART ONE: The products that you can easily add into your own toolkit.

PART TWO: Making a plan and establishing healthy routines.

PART THREE: Realistic ways to improve your diet.

Where to start:

1) Lifelong Vitality Supplements

The three core products of the doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Program—Alpha CRS+, xEO Mega, and Microplex VMz which have been formulated to reach 100% of daily nutritional needs based on an average diet. They contain the equivalent of over 12 servings of fruits and vegetables and provide necessary vitamins and minerals to support a healthy body, enhance metabolic function, and provide powerful antioxidants designed to promote energy and health.

The best part? Your body is getting exactly what it needs, without mega-dosing, which means you’re not going to have fluorescent pee and your body is actually absorbing the vitamins and minerals you’re putting in it. They are not like drugs or traditional vitamins. They are food; nutrition for our bodies, from the inside out.

Suggested use: Take 2 pills from each bottle with morning and evening meals. 

2) Lavender Essential Oil

This oil is most commonly known for promoting restful sleep, but it’s not just calming for your moods, it’s also a phenomenal side kick in your skin-care routine too! Lavender is known as the swiss army knife of oils because of it’s versatility and is the perfect companion to integrate into your every day healthy habits.

Simply add into your moisturizer for your skincare routine (or apply diluted to any skin irritations!), add 2-3 drops into a diffuser to promote restful sleep, or inhale to calm anxious feelings.

3) Lemon Essential Oil

I love having my citrus oils on hand! Think Lemon, Tangerine, Grapefruit, Wild Orange, the Smart & Sassy blend… these oils, while very uplifting for the moods, are also key players in detoxification and boosting the metabolism! (Have you ever researched the information on limonene? I encourage you to do so and these littles bottles have tons of it!)

Citrus oils are great to add to you water throughout the day, but a little quick tip? If you’re looking to curb those sugar cravings, add a drop to your water around the time they kick in (for example, when you hit that 3pm wall in the middle of the afternoon and suddenly want chocolate!). Works like a charm.

Just a drop or two in your water and you’re set!

4) Frankincense Essential Oil 

This is one of the first healthy habits I integrated into my daily wellness routine, because it’s so easy to do and the benefits are so vast! Frankincense helps build and maintain a healthy immune system, promotes cellular health, reduces the appearance of blemishes, supports healthy immune system function, and promotes feelings of overall wellness.

Suggested use: 2-3 drops under tongue or back of neck 1-2 x daily.

5) Balance Essential Oil

One of my favourite blends! This warm, woodsy aroma smells like walking through a forest and helps to create a sense of calm and well-being, promoting whole-body relaxation. In a world where our to-do lists are never-ending and we’re constantly plugged in, those feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and stress are bound to pop up. Balance essential oil is the tool you can use to intentionally call in feelings of tranquility and balance to lessen that stress on your body and mind.

Suggested use: 2-3 drops on soles of feet when experiencing feelings of anxiousness and/or before sleep.

It’s worth noting that these are just some of the benefits associated with each product and oil I’ve mentioned! While you may reach for a bottle of Frankincense for glowing skin, for example, what you don’t see “behind the scenes” is that once applied topically, the oil is penetrating deep into your cells and is working away at supporting your brain health, cellular regeneration, and any pain and inflammation you may be experiencing in your body. How cool is that?!

And there you have it, just 5 products that you can easily integrate into your every day. Next we’ll be exploring how to establish healthy routines! This is the part where we’re really bringing it all together to support you on every single level, because while you may have these products in your medicine cabinet, they won’t do anything if they sit there collecting dust!

Get ready, because change starts here, and it starts with you.


Did you know?

All of these products can be found in the Healthy Habits kit! If ever there were an investment that I felt 1000% confident in recommending to create a massive shift in your overall energy, vibrancy, and feeling empowered about your emotions, is it this – RIGHT HERE!

If you’re TRULY looking to uplevel your energy, mood, quality of sleep, and have better hair, skin, nails, and less seasonal colds and flu, I would say you need to start with the foundation of an incredible supplement system.

To order this kit, start here!

Or email me for more information.